Tag Archive | George Orwell

Arsenal: Ignorance Is Strength

As an Arsenal supporter, something that both concerns and annoys me is the constant, unrelenting efforts by the mainstream media to sensationalize and manipulate bits of information to form a patently false narrative about our club. It is common to football as it is to politics and economics. The primary victim of the need to […]

The Attempted Lynching of Arsene Wenger By The Lamestream Media

After years of consistently failing to gain any traction with their lies that Arsene Wenger is under-achieving, the mainstream media is now giddy with delight. For the first time in 12 years Arsenal is seriously struggling. All the enemies of the Arsenal-way and their fellow travelers are now “jizzing” with delight, practically drooling in their […]

The Refs Are Biased (Part I)

During the course of last Sunday’s match versus Burnley it struck me how little data is publicly available on the role of the referees in deciding the fate of the Premier League title. Major game-changing decisions were made at key points by Mr. Moss and his officiating crew that significantly tilted the balance against the […]